Feb 28, 2019
Beth Azor started her career cold-calling prospective tenants. Today, she owns and manages six shopping centers and travels the country training retail real estate agents. Known as the Canvassing Queen, Beth has never stopped working in the field. Beth's new book "Don't Say No For the Prospect" contains lessons...
Feb 14, 2019
CEO of Two Bit Circus, Brent Bushnell is busy looking for future locations for his micro amusement park. What started as a company that built ephemeral experiences is now a permanent physical collection of original games, immersive "story rooms" and VR adventures. Bushnell explains how Two Bit Circus got its start and...
Feb 7, 2019
Elizabeth Segran is a staff writer at Fast Company. She says that people don't want robots in their lives nearly as much as executives think they do. A recent Oracle consumer study appears to support that belief. Elizabeth talks about where that disconnect comes from and what she thinks shoppers really want.